Friday 5 June 2015


Don’t forget you read it here first

Rice has emollient, exfoliating, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also fantastic for controlling shine on the skin as it, like potatoes, contains starch (an astringent) which absorbs sebum (oil produced by the skin).
If you want to spice up this recipe a bit you can add one (or both) of the following ingredients.

Bicarbonate of Soda
It is an antiseptic perfect for gentle exfoliation, however it can be quite drying so if you have dry skin avoid adding this ingredient.

Lemon Juice
It contains; skin  alpha-hydroxyl acids, citric-acid, vita C and is anti-bacterial. Over time lemon slowly reduces hyper pigmentation and scars owing to its mild bleaching properties. It is also a mild natural exfoliant and good for (slow removing blackheads. Some people don’t react too well to the citric acid in Lemons so I really wouldn’t recommend more than a few drops per scrub use. I highly recommend that (if you can) to use brown rice as white rice has both the bran layer and the germ layer removed which means a lot of the nutritional benefits are lost such as magnesium, iron, vitamin B1 and B3 and the natural oil in the bran is also lost with white rice.

If kept in powder form and away from moisture you can keep this for up to 6 months. Don’t over exfoliate! Even though rice powder is very gentle once or twice a week is enough.
Just because something is ‘natural’ does not mean that you can’t  have a reaction to it, if your skin reacts negatively to any of the ingredients mentioned or if you have an allergy then DO NOT use this recipe.