Monday 4 November 2013

This really is the most delightful piece of information I have learned in a long time: cheese is good for your teeth! I stumbled upon a study published by General Dentistry, which states how cheese can cut the acidity from your enamel and protect it from wearing away. Researchers studied the effects of cheese, sugar-free yogurt and milk in the mouths of 68 subjects ranging in age from 12 to 15. The study found that subjects who ate cheese saw a drop in pH levels in their mouths. And lower pH levels help fight plaque and cavities and help protect enamel. Acidic foods are all too common—soda, cakes, biscuits and such. Particles from these stay on in the mouth and slowly eat away at the enamel of the tooth, causing decay and cavities. It is not a pretty image. That’s where cheese—yummy cheese—steps gallantly in! Which cheese is the best suited for this tooth-protecting role? More good news: it’s cheddar, one of the most versatile and well-loved varieties of them all. Cheddar cheese contains the highest level of alkali, which neutralize the acid left behind by the food you have eaten. So soon after you have finished dinner, nibble on a small piece of cheddar cheese to get rid of the acidic residues. It is that simple! Soft cheeses, such as feta and brie, however, do not have much of alkali content. Researchers believe that cheese encourages the production of saliva in the mouth, thus cutting the action of acid. Whatever the reason, I am thriled that I can enjoy a daily bite of cheese without an ounce of guilt! Read more: