Saturday 6 June 2015


     Don’t forget you read it here first

If you used to throw away the eggshells until now, you might want to reconsider that. An egg shell is made of calcium carbonate, which is also the main ingredient in some antacids. Each medium sized egg shell has about 750-800 mgs of calcium. The shell makes up 9-12 percent of an egg’s total weight, and contains pores that allow oxygen in and carbon dioxide and moisture out.
The shell colour of an egg is representative of the breed of hen that produces the egg. White hens produce white eggs and brown hens produce brown eggs.
We can get a great facial scrub combining eggshell with other products. Eggshells must be processed before using.
Take a few shells from eggs. Wash them in the water and keep the shells in a regular oven 220° C (400° F) for 5 minutes.
Let eggshells cool down. Crush it in a coffee grinder to a powder.
This powder can be stored at a room temperature and may be used wherever you need to fix the scrub.

Egg facial mask
2 tsp of eggshell powder
1 Tbsp of honey
1 egg yolk
Separate the egg yolk from the white. Do you know how to make meringue? Be sure to learn!
First, it is delicious. Second, if you often make egg yolk face masks or scrubs, you are always thinking what to do with egg white. It is unreasonable to throw it away every time.
Combine egg yolk, honey and eggshell powder. Stir ingredients.
Begin to rub the mixture onto the skin with gentle circular movements except the eyes. Massage your face for 3 minutes paying particular attention to problem areas.
Keep the mask for 15 minutes if you don’t feel discomfort. Wash your face with a soft sponge. Apply your favorite moisturizer.

Nourishing Face Mask
Pulverize dried egg shells with a mortar and pestle, then whisk the powder in with an egg white and use for a healthful, skin-tightening facial. Allow the face mask to dry before rinsing it off.

Treating Skin Irritations
Drop an eggshell into a small container of apple cider vinegar and let it soak for a couple of days. Dab the mixture on minor skin irritations or on itchy skin.