Thursday 4 June 2015


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We all know that Spinach is beneficial for our health and is a rich source of beta carotene, lutein and xanthenes etc. Interesting thing is that spinach is widely used by many women in their skin and hair care. In fact it is the most widely used vegetable to naturally enhance the glow of the skin. Vitamin K present in the spinach rejuvenates the skin and regular usage reduces the possibility of skin cancer. Spinach is native to central and south western Asia. Anyway according to metrics in 2011 United States got second position in spinach production.
Dark green leafy spinach is power house for nutrients, minerals and antioxidant.
Having this you can cure many harmful diseases both with spinach. This dark green leaf has beta-carotene, an antioxidant which helps skin to repair its cells. Also helps in slowing down cancer cells. Spinach has bunch of nutritional values which are listed below:
Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Manganese ,Folate ,Magnesium0, Iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin B2, Calcium, Potassium, Vitamin B6, Trytophan, Vitamin E, Dietary Fiber, Copper, Vitamin B1, Protein, Phosphorous, Zinc, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Vitamin B3, Selenium .

Benefits of Spinach for Skin
We all crave for healthy and glowing skin. Like other body parts skin contains cells, to keep having a glowing skin you must provide required amount of nutrients.
Spinach has more nutritional values which help you get rid of many skin diseases .

#1 Spinach for Acne
Spinach helps rejuvenating and refreshing skin when used has face mask. Mix blended spinach with little water and apply it on your face for about 20minutes. Taking spinach in liquid form is more preferred. Procedure to make spinach and vegetable juice is mix half tomato, ¼ cucumbers, one carrot, one celery, half red pepper, half cup cabbage, one green onion and a handful of spinach. Blend these vitamin rich ingredients and drink daily.
#2 Spinach for Wrinkles
Our body is made of 80% of water. Cells need enough amount of water to function properly. Taking enough amount of water will help you develop strong immune system to fight diseases. Spinach is has rich amount of water content in it. Take it in cooked or juice form and you’re providing enough amount of water for your body.
Dry skin is on among the reason for wrinkles. Spinach contains Iron and Vitamin C which are important for collagen production. Collagen is protein responsible for skin and muscle elasticity.
#3 Repairs Skin
Spinach is rich source of vitamin A and vitamin C. Vitamin A helps to keep smooth skin tone while vitamin C helps to build skin cells. Collagen present in skin responsible for skin elasticity and skin tone needs vitamin C and iron present in Spinach.
#4 Can reduce cancer cell growth
Spinach contains antioxidants which help to reduce cancer cell growth.
#5 Improves complexions
Vitamin K and folates in spinach reduce diseases like acne, dry skin and stretch marks making skin clear. Your skin glows when you provide rich amount of vitamins. No it won’t make you white if you’re black.
#6 Protects from UV rays
Vitamin B in spinach helps you from harmful UV rays which cause skin cancer, premature aging and other skin diseases.
Experts suggest that cooked spinach is more nutritious than raw spinach because we can’t digest all the nutrition from raw spinach. Exceptionally liquid spinach with other vegetables is preferred.

Spinach and other green leafy vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals which helps to reproduce our new skin cells and remove the damaged or old cells. Spinach is rich in vitamin K,C and A. Having good anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory property so it also used in many homemade remedies of skin care. It clears the blocked tiny skin pores, removes the impurities or toxins and also controls the excess oil of skin.