Sunday 31 May 2015


Don’t forget you read it here first

Now let us leave behind all these chemicals and look at the natural approach. Some substances in foods are said to have regenerative properties. Pomegranates and cranberries have turned up in several facial products because they contain antioxidants, which are nutrients or enzymes that may slow the body's natural decay. Whether antioxidants actually do anything to improve the health of skin is up for debate. But it's clear that many people like the idea of using natural ingredients on their face.

Waste, all over the world, is something that is obviously not needed, but you can make millions of dollars out of waste products. One of the ways one can make a steady income out of waste products is through facial treatments. Every day as individuals, families and industries, we encounter waste in different forms and when we dispose of these wastes, there is always a high probability that we have thrown away millions of dollars. When you type in food waste management on a web search, what never comes up is ‘how to convert food waste to money’.
This part is designed to help you change your orientation towards food waste. After reading this, you would not view scarps of foods the same way again.
Outlined below are over twenty foods/food wastes you cannot afford to throw away…no matter what…
·       orange peels
·       Avocado fruit
·       Cucumber slices
·       Spinach
·       Carrot
·       Rice/ Rice water
·       Lemon
·       Sweet potato water
·       Egg shells
·       Onions
·       Milk
·       Pawpaw
·       Pineapple
·       Oatmeal
·       Apple
·       Banana
·       Peach
·       Grapes
·       Egg yolk
·       Sugar
·       Kiwi fruit
·       Almonds
·       Honey
·       Bicarbonate of soda/baking soda
·       Coffee
·       adzuki beans
·       parsley
·       lettuce
·       chocolate
·       tomato
·       flour
·       ginger
·       lots more

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