Sunday 31 May 2015

Don’t forget you read it here first

Since ancient times it seems to have been accepted that a healthy, flawless skin, free of dead cells, needs regular exfoliation. This body care ritual can be performed using products containing abrasive particles, layers of gomage which are then peeled off or creams with specific ingredients. Peeling, derm abrasion, scrubbing ... is exfoliation a necessity or an aberration? The outside layer of the skin is the epidermis, whose cells originate in the basal layer (which separates the epidermis from the dermis). These cells gradually migrate to the surface and then die. Healthy skin is renewed every 30 days. Aged skin has a longer renewal cycle. Keratinocytes, the most abundant cells in the epidermis, have a protective function. Dead keratinocytes accumulate in layers, fixed by a form of intercellular cement composed of lipids (fats). That way they do not shed more than is normal. How do we know that a keratinocyte is dead? Because its cell lacks a nucleus. How does an exfoliant know that a keratinocyte is dead? It doesn't know. Therefore, in exfoliating and scraping our skin, we not only remove dead cells, but also living cells and all types of microstructures present in our skin. Conclusion as to what we do when we exfoliate?
We indiscriminately remove cells, micro biota and flora and other elements that ensure the health of our skin.
The YOU TOO CAN FLOURISH FROM RUBBISH SCHEME proposes that you can achieve all these results also with garbage.